Saline County Kansas Residential Broadband Survey

Survey Information and Instructions
Dear Saline County Resident, Help us improve internet service and internet affordability in Saline County. Saline County is conducting a broadband survey to assess your current broadband service and needs. The goal is to develop a comprehensive set of strategies to bring high-performance broadband and Internet services to all residents and businesses. Your participation in this survey will help us understand how to connect every home, school, doctor's office, and government agency to a high-speed network for our community. Survey results will be kept confidential. We encourage residents who do not currently have internet service to participate as well. All survey questions are optional and you may leave and question blank if you prefer. The results will help county and city leaders determine where the need is greatest and help guide us on how to ensure that all citizens and businesses have adequate access to broadband services. For more information or if you want to ask a question, send us an email to and set the subject line to: Broadband Study or call (785) 833-7597. If you are a business, please take the business survey at the following link:
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Please provide your full street address with street or road number. If you're not comfortable sharing your entire address, please at least list a street name.